How To Remove Stains From Bathroom Tiles

How To Remove Stains From Bathroom Tiles
How To Remove Stains From Bathroom Tiles

How To Remove Stains From Bathroom Tiles

To maintain a healthy environment that will prevent illnesses and infections, it’s essential to clean your bathroom floor and tiles often. Infections can be spread through germs found on bathroom floors and surfaces.

Not only can you get diseases from other people, but you may also get sick from bacteria building up on your damp surfaces. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the best ways to keep your bathroom floor and tiles clean.

Types Of Bathroom Flooring

The bathroom floor is typically made up of:

  • Bathroom tiles (especially in places like the shower or toilet)
  • Plastic or rubber tiles
  • Wood
  • Other removable surfaces such as rugs and mats

Types Of Bathroom Stains

The types of stains common in bathrooms are as follows:

  • Urine
  • Blood
  • Soap scum
  • Permanent marker
  • Wood stains
  • Grease

Note: Many chemical cleaners will remove most types of hard-to-remove stains from your bathroom flooring and tiling.


Urine stains are caused by the body’s urine detoxifying process, which removes undigested food from your body. Once your body has absorbed all nutrients, it will proceed to eliminate the waste. The waste contains byproducts of the digestion process like urea, which is the primary form of ammonia.

If you don’t properly dispose of urine, it can collect on surfaces and even on floor tiles. The result is often urine stains on the floor. Urine will usually stain wood and fabrics and be even more stubborn to remove if you haven’t cleaned up after yourself.

To remove urine stains from a wooden floor, soak the floor in hot water and mild detergent and allow the water to soak for ten minutes.


Washing your floor and the tiles regularly is the easiest way to get rid of bloodstains in the bathroom. Specifically speaking, it’s also a good idea to use a mild cleaning solution to soak up any residual blood.

By doing this, you will prevent any stains from setting. Moreover, you can use cleaning products containing bleach, ammonia, or an enzymatic agent such as baking soda.

Soap Scum

If you live in a house you share or have several guests coming round in one day; it’s crucial to ensure that each of them can shower in a clean and germ-free environment. However, the bathroom can be a hot spot for dirt. Limescale buildup on showerheads is one common cause of dirty showerheads.

Permanent Marker

Some permanent markers come in handy for art, advertising, and making notes. However, some can stain anything it comes into contact with – even from a few centimeters away. To remove permanent marker stains from bathroom tiles, it’s essential to remove the dried mark using chemical cleaners.

After you’ve scrubbed the mark away, ensure you dry the spot properly before proceeding to your next step. If your stain was a light colour, a high-power wet and dry vacuum cleaner could remove most of the colour and reduce the area of the mark.

Wood Stain

Depending on the type of stain in question, most wood stains can be removed with a high-powered wet and dry vacuum cleaner.


There’s a lot of grease that could come into contact with the tiles around your bath or shower area. The easiest way to clean up this problem is with simple cleaning chemicals. You can also use a mixture of warm water and baking soda to scrub the solids out of the tub or shower.

Removing Stains From Bathroom Tiles

Disinfectant Dishwashing Liquid

In a small bucket, mix a few drops of dishwashing liquid in 2.5-4 cm of water. Then, use a sponge, brush, or spray to scrub the tiles clean. Allow it to dry completely.

Ready the Vacuum

Vacuum cleaners are devices made for removing dirt from carpets, drapes, upholstery, stairs, bedding, flooring, and clothing garments such as jackets or trousers. When you buy a new vacuum, the first thing to do is read the manual. This gives you insight into how best to use the vacuum cleaner. The bathroom is no different as it too needs cleaning. For this, you need to use a vacuum cleaner with a short sucking tube and a brush capable of switching between wet and dry.

Ceramic tiled floors are easier to vacuum than hardwood, linoleum, or laminate floors. They are generally more affordable too. They are durable and easy to keep clean with the right floor care products. Once you are done, find a place in which you can clean your vacuum.

Take off the parts of the vacuum cleaner one by one and place them on one side. Start with the dust bag or cylinder, and then clean up any hair or dirt that may have gotten stuck there. Don’t forget to check inside the exhaust pipe as well.

Prepare the Sponge with Soap

First, make sure that the basin has been filled with water. Then, wash the sponge and rinse it with water. Place it on a tray or dishcloth and put it next to the basin. Fill a bowl with warm water and place it next to the tray/dishcloth, as well as a small towel for drying your hands after washing up.

Wet your hands by rubbing them together under running water. Alternatively, you can also wet them in a bowl of water that has been placed near your feet. Place some soap on your sponge or scrubbing brush and scrub until you have scrubbed off the dirt and stains.

Effective Floor Cleaning Process

  • Clean up used towels and other dirty laundry.
  • Start washing the floors with soap and water in a circular movement.
  • Using a damp mop, wash the floor with water and soap.
  • Rinsing the floor with clean water.
  • Drying the floor naturally or use an electric wet and dry vacuum cleaner.

What Causes The Stains?

To keep your bathroom clean, there are various methods of cleaning your bathroom floor. These methods might include household cleaning products, bathroom cleaners, or even a sponge to scrub the floor. Some flooring is water-resistant, while others are not.

Not all stains are visible at first glance, but if you step on a small amount of liquid on the floor or use the toilet, it may stain your socks. To avoid staining your socks, it’s important to clean your bathroom floor with water to remove the stain. If the stain gets deeper, there are a few ways to clean the floor to make it bright again. If you can, remove the liquid, let it dry, then scrub the area with cleaner.

Removing Stubborn Stains From Bathrooms

So what are some common bathroom stains that can be easily removed? Let’s take a look at some ways to remove stubborn stains in your bathroom.

Toilet Stains

The toilet has a drainage system that may need to be cleaned occasionally. You can use a damp cloth to gently wipe the interior of your toilet bowl with a detergent. In time, this will remove toilet bowl stains and allow you to use the toilet with no more worries.

Laundry detergent is the best bet, but to remove more stubborn stains, you may also try throwing in a handful of baking soda. The baking soda and water will gradually strip the stain and give you your desired results.

Hard Water Stains

In order to remove hard water stains can be a complicated task. However, if you use baking soda and vinegar, you can quickly remove these stains without too much effort. While some very effective chemicals can do everything baking soda and vinegar can do in less time, they aren’t always the best choice.

Cleaning chemicals are harsh on the skin. To use them, you will have to be very careful because chemical cleaners are toxic if ingested. This is the main reason why they should not be used if you have children and pets. Some of them can even cause harm. That being said, it is better to choose natural, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly options when cleaning.

This is where the use of vinegar and baking soda comes in. Not only are the two ideal ingredients for making your favourite meals and snacks, but they are also very effective cleaning products. In addition to that, they also work as odour eliminators. Not only can they remove deeper stains, dirt, and germs from tile floors, but they can also neutralise unpleasant odours in the house.

Best of all, these products are inexpensive and can be easily purchased at any specialty cleaning product store, whether online or offline.

Using Vinegar and Baking Soda

How safe are vinegar and baking soda on tile flooring? Baking soda and vinegar are both safe for tile floors when mixed together. Together they form a non-hazardous mixture that can be used to clean almost any type of floor. If you use them separately, do not let the vinegar stay on the floor. It is acidic and can react negatively if left on the ground for too long.

Once mixed with baking soda and water, the acidity is neutralised. The baking soda will act as an abrasive agent and scratch off any built-up residue on your tub or sink. Vinegar is also a good solution because it is suitable for scrubbing away any dirt that may be sticking on the surface of your tub or floor. The baking soda and vinegar mixture makes it easy to remove such stains using a soft brush or toothbrush. All you will have to do is spray the mixture on the stains everywhere you see them on the tiles. Allow for some time to pass, then scrub with a brush.

Once you have scrubbed all the areas that have stains, rinse using clean water. Alternatively, you can do the mopping with a mix of vinegar and baking soda. Having already removed the stubborn stains from tiles, follow the step-by-step guide below if you still need to clean the entire floor.

Effective Whole Floor Cleaning

  • Spray the whole floor with the cleaning formula.
  • Fill the bucket with water and put the mop in it.
  • Using the mop, clean the whole floor, from the farthest part from the door towards the door.
  • Once the mop has picked up the dirt, dip it in the water and wring it well before returning it to the floor.
  • After cleaning your tile floor, rinse the area using clean water to remove the baking soda and vinegar mixture altogether from your tile floor.
  • At this stage of the process, you can add essential oils to the water (if you wish) to help spread good odours.
  • Once you are done with everything, wash the mop and buckets and leave them to dry.


The bathroom is probably one of the most used rooms in every household. It is where we take care of ourselves, get well-groomed, and ready up for the day. But it also gets dirty quicker than other spaces in your home, which can be frustrating.

If you have more serious stains, it’s better to contact a professional to take care of them. However, for everyday cleaning, you’ll be able to get the stains out using these simple procedures mentioned above.